Dental Savings Plan

Floss Family Dental & Surgical In-Office Dental Savings Plan

Dental bills can add up. That's why we've created an annual membership plan that reduces the over all cost of your basic upkeep, saving individuals without dental insurance at least $150 off the total cost of the following.

Plan Features

Members of the Floss Family Dental Plan annually receive:

  • Cleanings (2)
  • Dental Exams by the Doctor (2)
  • Diagnostic x-rays
  • Fluoride for Children (under the age of 18, once every six months)
  • Does NOT include SRP or Full Mouth Debridement

Additional Benefits

  • Save 15% off dental treatments and Botox (excluding Lip & Tongue Tie Treatment, Dentures, Dental rehabilitation of 6 or more teeth, Whitening, & Sleep Dentistry)
  • Large family plan (families of four or more) available, call for pricing.
  • No waiting periods, no coverage limit!

Terms of Enrollment

To be accepted under this membership plan, patients cannot already have dental insurance. Patient agrees to the following:

  1. Attend all scheduled appointments on time. 
  2. Give a minimum of 2 business days’ notice when rescheduling appointments.
  3. Patient does not have a dental insurance.
  4. Annual fee is due at the time of enrollment.


I chose FLOSS because the doctors AND the staff are highly responsive to MY needs vs treating me like a number or with a cookie cutter treatment plan like some offices do. On top of that, I like the membership plan that covers more than insurance and provides some great benefits for myself and my just makes things simple. Jeff Dousharm
Dr. Villafane & Kelly Villafane, MS, L-CCC-SLP, COM

Floss Family Dental & Surgical Center

Dr. Justin Villafane leads a practice that provides general and restorative dentistry for the entire family, in addition to treatments for:

  • Sleep Apnea 
  • Tongue- and Lip-Tie 
  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)

As needed, Dr. Villafane can provide these treatments in conjunction with Kelly Villafane, MS, L-CCC-SLP, COM and Link to Communication. To request your consultation, write to us or call (402) 484-5760.

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